Lazy post.
Tagged on Facebook.
Defied it and posted it here.
I'm a teenager like that.
Defying stuffs and all.
Three names I go by:
1. Ash
2. Shiqin
3. Musa
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Keropok-seller. The first time I had ever made money.....
2. Cotton-candy seller during Form 4 Interhouse-Championship
3. Work with mum during holidays two years ago :D
Three Places I have lived:
1. Kota Kinabalu
2. Lahad Datu
3. Tawau
Three Favorite drinks:
1. Teh tarik
2. Kichai ping
3. Orange juice
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. True Blood *sighs*
2. Glee/Modern Family. I can't choose.
3. An anime I'm currently watching.
Three places I have been: *most recent*
1. School.
2. New house.
3. House.
Three places I am looking forward to go:
1. KL :D
2. Mecca. I can't believe it's almost Hari Raya Haji D;
3. New Zealand. In referance to ANTM? ;D
People that I sms/sms me regularly:
1. Mum for stuffs.
2. DiGi.
3. No one. :D
Three of my favorite foods:
1. Peppermint ice-cream.
2. Sayap ayam.
Three friends I think will respond:
Three things I am looking forward to:
1. End of Excel.
2. Holidays!
3. Living at New House cause it's so much nearer to school.
Three things that are always by your side:
1. Earplugs.
2. My phone.
3. My arms. These things...annoying!
Three things I always look forward to during weekends:
1. Doing nothing and watch TV
2. Become vocabulary-high and write 15 pages of stuff non-stop.
3. Eating some Ananas
Three things I always do every morning:
1. Wake up 15 minutes before alarm rings.
2. Try to go to sleep.
3. Alarm rings and curse for not having more time to sleep.
Don't try to hack any of my accounts with these informations
because they are not of any use.
People who are not trying to hack into my account,
I'll post something nicer later.