I am going to be my best best today.
I am all set for school tomorrow and I haven't even had my breakfast yet. I am kind of bummed because my Mum can't find the scissors to cut my hair. My hair so long now, perhaps the longest it has ever been. I am missing the light weight of a bob right now. (Do I feel like whipping my hair back and forth? No, not even the slightest. I get a major neck sprain just even trying it so I have enough of trying to act like Willow Smith. I like my head right where it is right now.)
Right, did I tell you I'm going to be an angel today?
So, I am going to draw a little before studying Form 4 Chemistry. Ah! I hear David Archuleta downstairs! Now what else can be sign that today's going to be a good day? Okay, so going to go downstairs to get my very much needed concentrated-milk-infused-Milo. Seriously, I feel very optimistic for an optimistic.