Achievements of the Week:
1. I finished reading Maureen Johnson's Name of the Star. Next up: Angelfall by Susan Ee.
Me No Gusta
The premise of this book was so enticing it's exciting even to start reading it. However, it immediately fizzled down with the 70-something pages of description of the ~oooooo New English School [which I had enough reading of from Enid Blyton's girls' school series (I can't recall the name at the moment) and Harry Potter] and ~ooooo Scary Ripper Around New English School. I wasn't informed or aware that the genre of this book was supernatural but when I read that The Ripper was actually a ghost, yeah, my logical-detective curiosity instantly deflated like a figurative bag of disappointment. I also wished that how they handled things were more...efficient and well-thought of. And I don't see the point of people hating Charlotte because she's just ambitious. I mean...if she was a guy would that make a difference? She fits right in with my friends but lol we're Asians, never mind. And oh, Jerome. Jerome, Jerome, Jerome. Other than his fascination/obsession with Ripper which is the only redeeming quality he has (I like them creepy), he seems only to serve as an English boytoy for Rory. Also, I just wanted Rory to absolutely get it on with Stephen. He is much more of a catch than Jerome. (In my opinion, anyway. Praying for it to happen in Book Two.) Lastly, The Ripper. To be fair, I wish his motivation for onslaught was a little more...explained. He's crazy, I know, but I don't want another Pure Villain killing people for no (hidden) reason at all. It seemed lazy, really. Also, what the eff is with all the talking in the climax? Go ahead and slash someone. Does Newman do this with all the victims? I don't think so. That's why the job gets done.
Me Gusta Mucho
With the boring minute details of Every Day English School Life, it also comes with minute details of Victims, Victims and More Victims! It slightly frightens me how I enjoyed reading good details of people murdered but whatever, it was actually interesting to read. I love that she doesn't skip it out. The book wrapped up nicely, with The Ripper gone and everybody (well, not everybody so to say) was safe. The ending was oops-worthy and I understand that it's a trilogy but please please please explain about it better in the second book. Please, I beg. And I don't know if the author does this to mess with my mind or anything but Stephen reminded me a whole lot of Sherlockminus the clever, kinda because the description was absolutely spot-on and made me confused to actually like the book better. I hate this bias. One last thing to add, her friends are Scott Westerfield, John Green and Ally Carter? What the actual. So lucky. (Though I wish her friends could help her on the plot hole.)
The premise of this book was so enticing it's exciting even to start reading it. However, it immediately fizzled down with the 70-something pages of description of the ~oooooo New English School [which I had enough reading of from Enid Blyton's girls' school series (I can't recall the name at the moment) and Harry Potter] and ~ooooo Scary Ripper Around New English School. I wasn't informed or aware that the genre of this book was supernatural but when I read that The Ripper was actually a ghost, yeah, my logical-detective curiosity instantly deflated like a figurative bag of disappointment. I also wished that how they handled things were more...efficient and well-thought of. And I don't see the point of people hating Charlotte because she's just ambitious. I mean...if she was a guy would that make a difference? She fits right in with my friends but lol we're Asians, never mind. And oh, Jerome. Jerome, Jerome, Jerome. Other than his fascination/obsession with Ripper which is the only redeeming quality he has (I like them creepy), he seems only to serve as an English boytoy for Rory. Also, I just wanted Rory to absolutely get it on with Stephen. He is much more of a catch than Jerome. (In my opinion, anyway. Praying for it to happen in Book Two.) Lastly, The Ripper. To be fair, I wish his motivation for onslaught was a little more...explained. He's crazy, I know, but I don't want another Pure Villain killing people for no (hidden) reason at all. It seemed lazy, really. Also, what the eff is with all the talking in the climax? Go ahead and slash someone. Does Newman do this with all the victims? I don't think so. That's why the job gets done.
Me Gusta Mucho
With the boring minute details of Every Day English School Life, it also comes with minute details of Victims, Victims and More Victims! It slightly frightens me how I enjoyed reading good details of people murdered but whatever, it was actually interesting to read. I love that she doesn't skip it out. The book wrapped up nicely, with The Ripper gone and everybody (well, not everybody so to say) was safe. The ending was oops-worthy and I understand that it's a trilogy but please please please explain about it better in the second book. Please, I beg. And I don't know if the author does this to mess with my mind or anything but Stephen reminded me a whole lot of Sherlock
2. I did not kill myself and thank goodness for that because I have yet to watch The Hunger Games and The Legend of Korra.
This song is wonderfully creepy. I love it.
3. I contacted old friends. Now I have some company to watch The Hunger Games with.
4. I watched Kiki's Delivery Service, and yes, I loved it!
5. I did not blow up when I read how awful fanfic writers are getting published and making millions of dollars. Brb, finding my own stories which I first wrote back when I was 12.