I miss eating these so bad. Why does it seem like I had endless supply of it when I was a kid but now as a young-ish adult, there are no where to be found? Currently, I am demanding chocolate from my brothers and Dad. I still don't have it. They are not getting the picture. Don't they understand my existence absolutely hinges at eating this in 24 hours? Clearly, they don't. Why do they ignore me when I demand for food? Because I don't kid with food.
In other news, this was what I described to Denise about the Liverpool vs. Arsenal game last night:
Do you see that? He's a human fish. Arsene Wenger, never let this one go. Look at that commitment and training. Liverpool was pounding down on the goal attempt last night and they didn't even score. I can't. Good job, goalkeeper. Bravo. To add, I absolutely love to see the ending of the game when some of the Arsenal-Liverpool players clap each other's back and hug. So cute.
Also, oh Mama saying Suarez looks like me because of his teeth.
"Wow, he so hot kah that he can be compared to me?"
"Astaga, Shiqin."