I'll Spin You Around 90 Degrees Anti-Clockwise and See How You Like It

Oh my.
Well, this is embarrassing. It's like meeting up with an old friend and not knowing what to say. I know. I've pretty much ignored updating here because of my busted computer. Every time I did go online and thinking of updating here I'd be like, "btch, please. I've got better things to do."
I'm in the middle of the mid-year exam and I've got BM and Maths down like pants on the ground. And what the freak my internet---oh wait, it's back, sorry for simultaneously updating my disbelieving disappointment when my computer told me I was not connected to the internet and that's a little too much information because my head is still reeling from the pain which was named Maths Paper 1. I am murderous for transformation for rotation. I don't understand where the freak I can find the centre of the ninety degrees and---so, it's Friday and yes, we got-got-gotta get down on Friday so I be studying my stuff here while you be moving along.

Oh fudge.
Did I just quoted Rebecca Black? How cliché.