it's just screen after screen and more screens for me

I saw a lot of things. Clearly, my life these days revolve around lit screens of TV/laptop/phone. I miss going out because I haven't done that in...two weeks. I am stuck in my house for two weeks. Oi, no wonder I got sick. But in that period, I'm enlightened by some works I witnessed. Here's some:

Mourning at the end of the newest season of Merlin. Like I watch it for the plot. And I saw this wonderful, amazing photo so I've got to share.

Dying when I saw that, not gonna lie. By geekologycomic in tumblr. I thought the commercial was pretty irrelevant based on how long ago PGL was (or The it still out?) but seeing this, I was fairly amused.

Also, I saw an MTV special on T-ARA and they showed the full M/Vs for Cry Cry and Lovey Dovey. The actor was so familiar...where have I seen him before? Flawless sunglasses, by the way.