May All Your Bacon Burn

I finally finished reading Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones which took me forever to finish. It was about 160 pages or so and it took me a whole week to complete it. It got to the point that I just wanted to finish it for the sake of finishing it but as it got to the end, everything blew me away. I have to stop for a second to process what's happening. I watched the movie before I read it but it didn't spoil me at all. It was amazing. Howl is more of a drama queen in the book. I love it.

My sister had been telling me to not replace human contact with virtual life and books and I thought: okay. Whatevs. I admit, I'm kind of lonely but who cares when you got other (fictional) people's problems to worry about. Though I do need someone to make me waffles.

My mind is wonderful in that when I start to freak out about SPM results, it automatically sidetracks to The Hunger Games. My mind is a gift I would never stop to treasure---unless I have those time at nights I remember embarrassing moments, then I hate it. Ah well. C'est la vie.

I need to share these.