Cue That Britney Song That Goes: I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman; And You Know, It's Her Birthday Today

Seeing old pictures, it kind of shocks me.
These pictures were only three, five years old but looking at the people around me, I can't see how we've changed so much. Just a few short months ago, Chan showed a picture of her back when she was in Form 1, before we were even friends. I laughed so hard out of sheer disbelief. I knew that girl, that girl in the picture, but it's not the same girl that's showing it to me. It's really funny, and truthfully, really sad at the same time. It's like we've really turned into women. The people I know now are such breezy, charming girls; a stark contrast from that awkward shell (called tween years) we use to be in. We've all became so beautiful now. I can see each one of my friends as how they look like right in this very moment and it really confounds me that we didn't look the same back when we were thirteen. It sure feels the same to me.

Puberty is so effed up.
I can't even.