So SPM Is Over For Me

and I asked my Dad, after all these years, "Are you proud of me?"
I thought it would be those kind of rare daughter-dad moment things where he'd shed a tear or something sentimental like that.

"Wait until your results are out," he said, motioning with his hand holding an invisible paper in which my results (and all my years of trials to make my parents proud) would be in it.
Talk about an Asian Dad.


In other news, well, actually the same news, Dad asked me after I finish my Bio exam:
"So, 9 A's are at hand already? One more A to go?"
I think to describe my face accurately at that moment was the mixture of a hungry beaver of disgust and anxiety with a little mix of a nervous assistant ("uh huh, sure").
I didn't get the memo that I actually had to work hard for this final exam. (Which is, in reality, the biggest exam to end all of exam in my high school life.)

Ah, screw it.
*tips F&N Orange, drinks*