I Just Wanna Go Up To Every Cast Member of 2 Days and 1 Night and Give Them Each A Hug

these people are the people I love the most on TV right now
no one 
absolutely no one in this industry
can compare my love to these group of people

and they give my family and I insane amount of laughter
over the two short years we begun watching this

they kind of help made my life a little brighter
and perhaps, a little longer.
My Dad isn't so sad and quiet nowadays.
He laughs everyday because of these people.
 I can't thank you enough to the people who made this show.

and even with the departure of Kim C and Hodong most recently,
we still watch this show every because even though we miss the old members,
this show still has its spark and its life.

These remarkable and talented group of people who join together every week
to produce this show are perhaps the most hard-working people in the business.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate their sacrifices and sweat to make this show happen
every single week.

So thank you very much.
It'd be a very sad day for me when this show would end next year.
Truly, there is no other show like this.