I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time

How should I start?

I could give you a bubbly and awesome commentary about my orientation week for my science foundation but I really can't because I'm not up for being ~optimistic (LOL @ my URL) and ~upbeat about the whole thing. I met a lot of nice people, wonderful even like my seniors and my roommate, but I just hated that week. The programs were packed and exhausting but that's not what I'm frustrated at. Can I just confess that the whole week made me...unsure? Threatened? Doubtful? I'm conflicted mentally about why I'm taking a science foundation as a stepping stone for a Medical Degree (rolled my eyes when people answered their dream course was: "Medical", they can't even get their grammar right, I even managed to spot a senior shaking his head). There were so many, so many people who wanted to apply for the Medical program in my university it seemed ridiculous. Plus, with the condition that we can only study in that university after foundation, my options are limited for a doctorate.

EFF THIS. I'm going to watch some Adventure Time.

[.gif not mines, of course.]