Matter Of Love Part 1

Today, for Literature In English (aka LIE),
we learnt two poems about this infinite thing called ; Love.

(Oh, no. A cookie girl talking about cookie love!
What should I do?? WHAT??? *burn yourself*)

No need to do that.
I promise to be frankly frank.

Anyways, we've finish analyzing these two poems:


In the first poem, you could tell that the persona was deeply in love.
(That to show her love, she needs to count it first.)
And in the second one, it tells how incompatible a couple's love.
(She wants the guy to say it, he'd much rather show it.)

It was getting ironic how these two poem was printed back to back.

Oh well.
I strive in irony (ohyeah).

In the subject of love, it does make classroom full of girls a little excited.
(Can't you just hear the chit-chat now?)
And when the Madam Sim asked us how do we want
Our future partner to show his love, alright, it got me thinking.

In the matter of love, it does make me a little frustrated.
(Can't you just hear the sighs now?)
And when I start to mull on it like a bloated cat to a dead rat,

Perhaps, I decided, I want my future partner to be my best friend.
I believe in being close. Like watch-you-while-you-floss-close.
That close.

Sing me a song, sure. That's nice.
Give me chocolates. I'd finish under two minutes.
Say that you love me. I won't answer but my blushes would.
And pull out my chair like a gentleman. I won't deny your chivalry.

I just want to sleep on someone's shoulder.
Maybe that's why our shoulders has this slight, sweeping swoop to it.
It's a headrest.

Now I really feel like sleeping. 
---Oh no, when talking about love, she could write for days
but now thinking about sleep got her a little dozy.---

Conclusion for Today's Topic/Lesson/Blah :

In the matters of love, I have my own idea.
But I'd always try and figure out how to keep this one love.

I'm still finding my way :)
Give me the best of wishes.
I feel like it's still a long road ahead.
But it will be.
Worth it.