
Zombies needs some lime light people.
What happened to them?
They did their splash in the 80's.
But what happened to them now?
They lost their sex appeal?
Rotting flesh and missing teeth
Doesn't spell mmmmm?
Now people go for
Sparkling skin and fangs?

This is HORROR we're talking about
And horror is what I want
I give my gratitude to the makers of
A movie about zombies.

I want to see some limbs to fall apart
Some eyes to pop out in the literary matter
Perhaps even to my utter delight
A brain could blow up
Sending chunks of brain in the air

I haven’t seen a use of a brain
Since Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Where the guests eat chilled monkey brain
(To deceive my stomach, I assumed that
 the monkey brain was strawberry ice-cream
And the open monkey head was just fancy bowls. Like pineapples.)

So I demand for some good zombie movies.
But rewrite the 'must eat brain' part.
Go for the more controversial
"Live for Eternity" thing.
And spend some of those CGI for amazing effects
Of opened flesh and lidless eyes.
Maybe toss in some medical lessons in there too
But mostly just add in a lot of zombies
That cause innocent bystanders to go in a frenzy
That alone could satisfy me.

Long live zombies.
(Oh, wait…Hmm…)

one of the most amazing games on Earth, Plants Vs Zombies