
I was in my bus on my way to the boys' school La Salle.
(I remember it was a rainy day.
Sitting next to the window near the sliding door have me drenched on my entire right side.
And what's worse than the smell of sweaty men on a hot day? 
Smell of sweaty men in the cold, closed-windowed bus. Ugh.)

But before that:
We were waiting for the traffic light to go green and while waiting
I just happen to stare aimlessly out the window like a heart-broken widow.
I saw a car with a manly-strong-peach colour that
waited beside my bus just at my range of vision.
I look at the driver, young 20-something. *Interest piqued.* 
My eyes fell to the wheels
and it took sometime to notice
but when I did my thought exclaimed, impressed:

Admittedly, in this small town, there aren't enough appreciation for car rims.
These rims looks like it cost major mon-ayy.

It was gold (obviously sprayed, or perhaps if it isn't, at least coated)
and in the middle there was a snarling lion's head.
I never have the chance to see one like that before.
No wonder the driver was so young.
No decent male above thirty-five would spend a dime on a worthless thing like that.
I immediately imagined this car driving up to a hotshot club's entrance
(whatever hotshot club there is here, so far I have no idea where there is one to be found)
with speakers booming in annoying rave song and the driver---oh dangit,
the driver saw me looking at him.
While I musingly scan from the rims to the driver,
I found out he was already looking at me.
As a well-thought out plan, I coolly spun my head around to the left
like it was a slow spintop.

'No, I wasn't looking at you. Our eyes met cuz it was you, sir, that looked at me,
an innocent girl who is bored in a bus. Please refrain from big-headedness.'

Ain't that embarrassing.

So when the traffic light switched the green, I looked at my left side to avoid the driver's curious look. Whatever man, I was just checkin out yo rims.
This is as much scrutiny to women as it gets: not just in football,
they have to wonder if we were serious when we say we like cars.
Get a grip.
And try to hold on.

UPDATE 21st AUGUST : In the second book, Catching Fire.
Last book going to be out this 24th August 2010.
I can be so lucky.

UPDATE 25th AUGUST : I got the the third book, Mockingjay.
I am so lucky.