Fantastic Fanatics

I really did felt like ice-cream.

Anyways, I've been trying to search back
all my past papers which I doodled on.

Doodles = man's two in one stress-reliever and amusing comic.

I just like to read back what I write and smile :)

So I feel like posting some of them here
(so if I lost the paper, who cares?)
and no 'inside jokes' here.
I really hate when there is something
funny and you just don't know what's it about.

Retraced, I found my very first essay to my English teacher.
It is about health fanatics.
I picked it because I could use a friend as a reference. Haha.
There are lots of red underlines and circles in this one.

But no worries! I take it and rewrote it back.
My English teacher would be so relieved :)

Read on.

Subject: Health Fanatics                                                                                
Date: 08.01.2010

"Study shows that the steam from one cup of coffee has more antioxidants than three oranges." This type of information is popping everywhere from newspaper to news table. Somehow every new breath of interesting statistic is being broadcasted to the public. All o this information is leading up to a more health-conscious society. It seems that everybody is jumping into the "A Better and Longer Life" band wagon.

People are shifting their typical American feast of French fries, pizza and burger for an uptight, stricter diet of yogurt, fresh food and tofu by the hundreds everyday. Health fanatics are appearing like mushrooms after rain, though, many wonder if this is just a trend, a short-term fad.

Health fanatics' most obvious trait is their obsessive to the point of paranoid ways of eating. A well composed diet of this and that, a diet under 800 calories and keeping a meticulous daily journal tracking their calorie intake. Some even went to the extreme and weigh their food before dump it into the blender for a smoothie.

Exercising is a daily routine for health fanatics . Eager followers of this lifestyle do yoga, Pilates and regular gym work out as every day practices and a 5 mile jog is a breeze. On the upside to all these bitter hardship is a glorious reward of a tone body and higher metabolism (which is good for calories to burn even faster, so thumbs up!) Here, teacher puts a '?'. Clearly, she doesn't trace my humor.

Health fanatics, despite their obvious code of living, could get overlapped with another social term which is 'eco-lovers'. Living as a health fanatics actually does decrease your carbon footprint. Most health fanatics tend to buy more fresh food and skip the expensive meat. Also, instead of driving a gas-emitting car to work, they would probably rather ride a bike or walk to the subway as a short exercise (plus, they could avoid the stress of traffic altogether).  Besides that, being active outdoors would decrease the use of electricity.

Being a health fanatic does not just benefit your life but also your wallet. As explained in the previous paragraph, fanatics (unself-confessed vegetarians) would spend less money on expensive meat in the market and go for whole food which are much cheaper. They also do not spend much indoor watching television but they like to spend their time exercising. Therefore, the monthly electricity bill is likely a meager a hundred dollars and below.

In the end, the debate about healthy living ends with the individual's choice (the fallout of the debate was caused by the more heated debate of the economy and army surges) and everybody wants to live longer this time of age with new scientific discovery. Living life well is great, I am unsure about fanaticism. Though the world is inviting a new way of living life with Super Food (an still-experimental capsule that has everything you need in a day---it tastes good too) and Oxygen Capsule (for your skin cells to rejuvenate and feel younger), being a health fanatic could not change. Sweatpants are here to stay.

Mark : 30/50

No hard feelings, teacher.
This essay really did has quite a number of swishes from your red pen.
My bad.

P.S. This essay is not to offend health fanatics. If it's anything, I envy you. 
And I will continue to envy you while eating a bag of potato chips :)