Algae Jungle

Noticed something while checking my Blog.

Ever since I put up my ChatBox upwards in my blog,
(it existed for a long time but only recently have I
put it near my profile) people are starting to
comment more.

I understand that it's a hassle to scroll waaaay down
to just tell me something
(a grammar mistake, wrong info...yadda yadda)
Though, that just makes it reserve that only my friends could read it.
Now when it's so near to the top
Other people are starting to comment on it.
People I don't know.

Well, I can see the thing that they're trying.
And I'm not going to rampage and mock them.
I see their stuffs, think 'Cool' in my head and comment.

Though I like to live a day
where I don't read 'Hi Please Read My Blog...'
Just a wish.

In order to solve this problem,
perhaps I'll put on a new ChatBox
where people can just flood tons of those in it.

Until I have that.
Not so sure when.

And to those who wants me to check their blog,
yeah, go ahead.
Keep sending me those URLs.
What possibly I could do with my spare time?
(Is that sarcasm I'm sensing over there?)

It makes me think though...(uh oh)
Why do people want to do that?
It would be fine if there was something beneficial from there.
Or are they doing that just for the popularity?
Does everything really need to be a popularity contest?
Sounds hurtful, I know, but as cliche goes: The Truth Hurts.

Perhaps I would like to review back on 
why am I writing a blog myself.

I rather not.
Having a popular blog needs a lot of either
Shallow or Deep Thoughts.
I find I have a Mediocre Neither. Haha :D

Is this a Place To Vent?
It could play a part.
Though I prefer venting by Photoshopping.
It keeps my mind of things.

Uncover my Dark Secrets & People I Hate To The World?
No. I have a firm belief in not doing that
even before I set up my blog.
I'm a harmony-seeking idealist.
Let's just put it at that.

Finally, I think I know:

The Purpose of My Blog:

To Remind Myself In The Future on What Happened To Me Now

It's like a memoir for myself :)

Now allow me to write some more.

photo description : mini algae jungle under my mango tree
i post it up cause i think it's cute.