Crime, Psychology & Undergarments

Something is really riding up.
Not undergarment-wise. 
I wish.

I think I have just had another relevation of Who Ashiqin Is.
I can't cope with stress.

Which is bad because stress is pretty much imminent in this world. And I'm in high school.
(Checked if spelled 'imminent' correctly. It looked like an exact copy. Score.)
I had a feeling about this a few months before when I was suppose to some facts of accomplishments from this former senior for my then-trainee job as an Editorial Board Member.
Introverted and all, my initial reaction was : Who the frig is this?
I instantly hyperventilated like I was about to jump off a cliff (which isn't as bad as this job, when you have parachute or a glider but if you don't's still better than this job.) I also fear because this is my probational job and if I messed up by failing to find this Senior Who Ran A Lot, then this would psychologically undermine my self-esteem and I could never pluck up the courage to enter Psychology Studies because I'm such a emotional-wayward myself.
This thing could ruin my life.

After a few minutes of calming myself and lying to myself, "I can do this...I can do this..." I finally manage a shaky hand to open my laptop to find this Senior Who Has Impressive Co-Curricular Marks on the internet. Google, save me for once.

Then, I got a text:

Hey, you know that text just now? Forget it. I got it under control already. Thank you for trying.

Oh, sweet relief! I can't even feel the rage at myself for getting so worked up over nothing at all because I was too busy cuddling my soon-to-be-PhD-title.
God is Great.

But by now, a few months later after that, I began to worry of I show signs of distress of stress.
Yes. I got stress out of stress (which would manifest into more stress, so as to put it, it would be like one vicious cycle of stress leading to stress into more stress until I...explode? Combust? Barf?)
I have to say I'm pretty dissapointed in myself. I need to get myself together.
If I can't handle this, what will be my working career? A black-hole? 

Definitely a black-hole.

Though to debate myself, I am usually not that stressed. The thing that gets me stress is lack-of-information. Lack of information usually leads to poor work quality that would lower expectations of people who would write my file to show my future university or teachers, and my chancellor (does chancellor check the future students out? Hardly unlikely. Scout maybe) chancellor scout would be wagging a 'no no no' finger at me and I would get denied from that university because of that Co-Curriculum Information Form that I did not excel in completing and I am forced to say farewell to my Psychology Degree and that would seriously make me sad.
Can't you see why lack of information of the attendance of The Crime Prevention Club stresses me???

Egg sunny-side up: I am so not stressed if my future employer gave me TONS of paperwork and I have all the information at my fingertips. That'll be just dandy :)

BTWFYIGLOO, I'm still stressed.


P.S. There is a 'Crime Prevention Club.' No joke. And I'm the Secretary.