Sleep In September

Probably my last post for September.

blue thing : what?
purple thing : :p

My Final Exam for Add Maths just ended
I'm not going to get top in Add Maths, I predict.
A+ for everything is draining down the toilet like a dead goldfish.
Ah, well.
I tried.

On to a more lighter note,
I am not going to school tomorrow!
Reason :
I woke up today, after reviewing Add Maths till night,
and said,
"I am so not going to school tomorrow."
That's why.
So don't stop me.

I am very exhausted after answering the questions.
I want to plop dead on this laptop right now,
if it were not because my hands that are getting in my way.

So I bid farewell now,
before this posts goes 2038hr2nwefdnd;.3vf
like that.

if I were to ask you to wake me up when September ends,
you'd wake me up by midnight.
no thank you.

(oh my, did seriously wrote that?
I am sorry, my head is not working as properly as it should be.
Please forgive for having to read that horrible paragraph.
I think it's a sign that I really need some sleep. So I shall.)

have a fearsome October.