Furs & Feathers

Photo Operation:

I was watching TV with my sister if I'm not mistaken a week ago and I just looked up and saw a bird perched on top of my neighbor's antenna (I'm not quite sure what that antenna is for but I don't really care). I did not know what drew me to it but I suddenly have a strong feeling to take a photo. Luckily, my camera phone was with me. (Always, and I mean always, when I want to shoot a photo of something that is a 'spur of the moment' stuff, my phone which has a camera will never be with me and I missed out some, perhaps not particularly amazing but at least memorable potential pictures.) So I just had to take the picture of the bird.

I didn't really get a chance to go outside, fearing that the bird would fly away anytime.
So I just took this picture from inside my house. I can't really take a good shot of it from here
but I did my best. And the bird was still there.

This kind of annoys me because by now, I'd taken twelve different shots of the bird
and was expecting it to chirp merrily away but I guess it really liked the view
from my neighbor's antenna because it stayed there until I got bored and turned away from the window.

Now here's another picture.

Now here's my cat, Mohinder 
(yes, my brother named it after the guy in Heroes and this cat is a female, hence, 
we still call it a 'he' but we all know that it gives birth. No offense to Sendhil Ramumarthamy.)
I just thought it was cute that my cat was leaving its fur and cute paw prints all over the car.
(Often when we go out of the house, we would ogle at the paw prints left on the car's
front screen and began to coo on how cute it was. If the cats burnt our house down,
we would seriously still be puckering our lips, saying,
"Aww...can they really use their itsy bitsy paw to light a matchstick? So cute!")

Mohinder looks like he's (she's) contemplating something.

Oh wait, no, just an itch. 
False alarm.

I just took a few snapshots of him (her) licking himself (herself) and
leave him (her) in his (her) bliss of cleanliness. 
Shooing him (her) away completely slipped my mind.